Health sector volunteering in Nepal

Health sector volunteering in Nepal has got great priority after Nepal was hit by the devastating earthquake during 2015, and the recent flood and landslide that affected Nepal. Using contemporary health services is very limited in the rural part of Nepal. Similarly, there is the need to promote the use of health post facilities among the community level. Volunteering in the health sector emphasizes the availability and use of toilets by every household, teaching them about the hygienic practices and ways to maintain them, to increase the standards of the health in the family and school level, to promote the regular check-up programs at the school level, etc.
The volunteers go to several health institutions which are operated by the local community or the government in rural villages and city areas of Nepal. The volunteering works include working in health camps where they shall either be involved in distributing medicine, or spreading health care awareness, or doing some check-ups under the pre scheduled program. In the midst of unawareness regarding the health care and hygiene, it is very important to mobilize the domestic and international volunteers among the urban and rural settings of Nepal. Such volunteers are mobilized with the women's groups, youth clubs, mother's group, etc.
It is important to say that the standard of health services in Nepal is growing gradually. And with the increase in a number of calamities, there comes the likelihood of epidemics. To control these epidemics, lots of volunteers have to be deployed. The standard health services are very much limited to the urban part of Nepal, especially at the private clinics and hospitals. On the other hand, the cost of these standard level of health services is so high that the people from the rural part can hardly afford them. In such scenario, the volunteering job is of great help. There is the need to make coordination with various hospitals and health posts to offer several health projects and campaign via volunteering. Such volunteer shall serve the humanity and poor vulnerable people, working together with local medical professionals.
Pioneer Foundation Nepal is a leading humanitarian organization in Nepal that has been working to uplift the standard of the underprivileged and marginalized, and victims of natural disasters, and promoting their health. If you want to know more about health sector volunteering in Nepal, do not hesitate to contact us; we shall be happy to provide you with an opportunity to serve.

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Contact Info

Registered Office :
Pioneer Foundation- Nepal
GPO Box No : 11569,
Dahachok – 02, Chandragiri Municipality
Khahare Buspark, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone No +977-9818493968,

Central Contact office :
Pioneer Foundation - Nepal
GPO Box No 11569, Bhagwan Bahal, Thamel
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Phone : +977-14420840, 9851049483
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