Our Partners

  Our Partners:
Ourselves alone, it is impossible to create such a help to the community projects that we are carrying on, and our social projects are possible only from the support of other local institutions, valued personalities from Nepal and abroad.
Our major partners for fundraising and support to our social project are:
1. Nepal Vision Treks & Expeditions P. Ltd
Nepal Vision Treks help minimum of 2 social projects every year and their support to us is mostly to earthquake victims after earthquake &support to orphanage homes, computer support to the rural schools. They overall contribute 3% of their annual income to our foundation.

2. Advanced Adventures P. Ltd
Advanced Adventures P. Ltd has been actively supporting our social project over the years. They contribute to our backward community project, education to the poor children (scholarship), support rural schools for library making, support on sports materials and volunteering teaching in rural community schools.

3. Hiking Nepal P. Ltd.
Hiking Nepal has just started supporting us for our child sponsorship programs and volunteer house making in Gorkha District. They also helped our project by bringing books, copies, pencils, and educational pamphlets to rural community schools for support to their studies.
4.  Apsara Boutique Hotel &Hotel Blue Horizon
Both, Apsara Boutique Hotel & Blue Horizon Hotel are sharing our information to western travelers and they connect us to the interested individuals who would like to associate with local social project to support the Himalayan community.

5. Caravan Outdoors (P) Ltd
For the community support in Nepal, caravan outdoors is playing its role by organizing many volunteering projects in and around the Kathmandu Valley, Rural parts of Nepal as Gorkha, Chitwan and Dhading. If any Volunteer interests to support in the society, Caravan will be the bridge.

6. Amazing Nepal Treks and Expedition P.Ltd
As per our social responsibility of an organization, Amazing Nepal is playing a role by conducting and raging fund for a different kind of social responsibility like involving a different kind of volunteering projects, conduct health campaign and so on, at the rural areas of Nepal with join venture of this social organization.  
7. Jungle Wildlife Camp  & Dahachok Home Stay
www.nepaljunglesafari.com) & (www.dahachok.com)
A resort located in Chitwan National Park, Sauraha& A homestay, which is located in Dahachok, Kathmandu, both has been supporting for the  Pioneer Volunteers stay. Some margin of both company’s profit goes for the community support.  Interested Volunteers can get discounted prices during their stay.

Any Question ? Drop us a note !

Contact Info

Registered Office :
Pioneer Foundation- Nepal
GPO Box No : 11569,
Dahachok – 02, Chandragiri Municipality
Khahare Buspark, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone No +977-9818493968,
Email: pfnepal.org@gmail.com

Central Contact office :
Pioneer Foundation - Nepal
GPO Box No 11569, Bhagwan Bahal, Thamel
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Phone : +977-14420840, 9851049483
Email : pfnepal.org@gmail.com

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